Alaska Fishing Vacations - Where and When?
Alaska is a very large state and it is easiest to think of it in regions the way Alaskans themselves do. While most sport fishing for the five (5) species of salmon and rainbow trout is done in the streams and rivers of Southcentral, Southwest and Southeast Alaska, there is some excellent fishing for grayling, pike and other non-salmon fish species in the Interior and Far North. Run timing is most important for salmon regardless of the species of salmon you are targeting. Salt water fishing features giant halibut, ling cod, and rock fishing in Southcentral and Southeast Alaska.

Map of Alaska by Fishing Regions

SouthEast Alaska 2. SouthCentral & Kenai Peninsula
3. SouthWest & Kodiak Island 4. Interior Alaska
5. Far North / Arctic *
Also, see an Alaska-Yukon highway map which will show you the few roads in Alaska or you can find more detailed maps here.

Are generally as follows,
BUT SUBJECT TO VARIATION BY AREA & BY ADF&G (see below for more detailed information)
May 1 - Sept 30 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Halibut
May 1 - July 20~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Saltwater Kings
May 1 - July 31~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kenai River Kings
June 10 - August 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Sockeye Salmon
June 15 - Oct 31 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Rainbow Trout
August 15 - Oct 31 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Silver Salmon
August on even years ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Pink Salmon

State Fishing License Online Applications,
Fishing Regulations
are available in five different booklets, each covering one of the
5 different areas of the state.
These booklets are available widely in the state.
You can obtain
copies by mail from the
regulations order page on the
ADF&G regulations

River King Salmon Early and Late Runs:

Run Timing — Northern and West Cook Inlet, Palmer,
Wasilla, Talkeetna rivers and streams.
Deshka River King Salmon Lower: Late May through late June. Upper: Early June through season close in mid-July.
Silver Salmon Lower: Mid-July through early August. Upper: Late July through early September.
Alexander Creek King Salmon Late May through third week of June.
Silver Salmon Mid-July through August.
Parks Highway streams: Willow Creek, Little Willow Creek, Caswell Creek, Sheep Creek, Goose Creek, Montana Creek,
Kashwitna River, Sunshine Creek.
King Salmon Late May through early July.
Silver Salmon Early August through mid-September.
Susitna River streams King Salmon Early June through late June.
Red Salmon Mid-July through mid-August, but not very abundant in this area.
Silver Salmon Late July through mid-August.
Pink Salmon Early July through mid-August, greatest abundance on even-numbered years.
Chum Salmon Mid-July through mid-August, but not very abundant in this area.
Lake Creek (Yentna River) King Salmon Early June through early July.
Silver Salmon Early August through late August / early September.
Talachulitna River King Salmon Lower: June. Upper: mid-June through season close in mid-July.
Silver Salmon Lower: August. Upper: mid-August through mid-September.
Talkeetna River King Salmon Mid-June through season closure in mid-July.
Silver Salmon Early August through September
Little Susitna River King Salmon Lower: Late May through late June. Upper: mid-June through season close in mid-July.
Silver Salmon Lower: Mid-July through mid-August. Upper: early August through early September.
Red Salmon Mid-July through early August.
Western Cook Inlet drainages: Chuitna River, Beluga River, Theodore River, Lewis River, McArthur River, Kustatan River
King Salmon Late May through season close in late June.
Silver Salmon Mid-July through early September. |
Click on Kenai River Sockeye Salmon Run Charts 2016 - 2020 (2nd run) for run timing.
An example of ADF&G's inriver escapement goal for SOCKEYE (RED) SALMON
along with actual estimated run size for various river systems:
System |
Run |
Inriver Goal |
Crescent River[a] |
92,000 |
30,000 - 70,000 |
Fish Creek |
80,000 |
20,000 - 70,000[b] |
Kasilof River |
822,000 |
150,000 - 250,000[c] |
Kenai River |
2,441,000 |
750,000 - 950,000[d] |
Susitna River[e] |
669,000 |
Chelatna Lake |
20,000 - 65,000 |
Judd Lake |
25,000 - 55,000 |
Larson Lake |
15,000 - 50,000 |
Minor System |
193,000[f] |
N/A |

State of Alaska Fish Run Charts
Page (AlaskaOutdoors.com)
*Photo credit - copyright 30402007-AK
Division of Community and Business Development


Alaska King Salmon Fishing
Alaska Outdoor Links

a World Class Rainbow

Alaska Sport Fishing,
includes fishing for :
King (chinook) Salmon, Sockeye (Red) Salmon, Silver (Coho)
Salmon, Chum (Dog) Salmon, Humpy (Pink) Salmon, Trophy Rainbow
Trout, Arctic Char, Northern Pike, Halibut, Dolly Varden,
Arctic Grayling, and more.
